imagining how the church can reorient around mission

                    A prayer written while flying yesterday… 

You are so gracious…though holy, you give and accept.

While you are regularly ignored, you stand with arms open, heart

toward the ones who amble past without a nod of acknowledgement.


I, however, am always needy, damn needy.

Wanting credit when it is not even mine to allege.

Though my call and claim is that of a servant,

to give because I have been given to,

I still regularly and unabashedly enshrine myself toward the
ending point of praise.


But you have that strange and inextinguishable super power

Live loving, even while slighted

To embrace, even when pushed away

To wholeness, in the midst of soul


While I crave…you love

While I try to attempt to distance…you hold, like a Father.

While I stand in shards of brokenness…you…I stand with you.



4 Responses

  1. Rob Fairbanks says:

    The cool part is, I am not standing there with Christ alone. I stand with my brother/s. May shalom flow your way.

  2. eric blauer says:

    “While I stand in shards of brokenness…you…I stand with you.”
    Indeed brother, amen.
    This phrase was shared in our spiritual direction quad yesterday, it seems to be a word for many of us. Thank you for your prayer.

  3. Rob Fairbanks says:

    Thanks. I find that writing my prayers actually helps. Peace

  4. Andrea says:

    I love prayers from the heart. Plus, I really relate to this one in that I crave recognition and am always pushing God away, and yet He faithfully walks next to us anyway. Good poem.