Biblical justice involves making individuals, communities, and the cosmos whole, by upholding
both goodness and impartiality. It stands at the center of true religion, according to James, who says that the kind of “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27). Earlier Scripture says, “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern” (Prov. 29:7).
This is definitely worth reading. With all the nonsense generated by certain Fox News commenters – ok just one, this is a welcome Biblical rejoinder to help bring clarity!!!
Paul – thanks for dropping by. The issue of justice and the people of God being a prophetic voice to culture are huge issues that need people other the talking heads influence. BD has told me much about you and I have appreciated your thoughts and ideas from afar.
I am in Portland from time to time in my travels with CA. We should grab a coffee some time.
BTW – I think we have a mutual friend in Al Tizon from Palmer and ESA. He is one of my longest and dearest friends. Believe it or not, we met in college at Warner Pacific 31 years ago.
Hello Rob,
Thank you for your passion for conceiving justice in biblical terms.
Rob, thanks for posting this.
Paul’s take on justice and the whole New Wine, New Wineskins paradigm is one which has been quite helpful in my formation of thinking how I thoughtfully address issues of our time from my Christian faith.