imagining how the church can reorient around mission

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A Liturgy of Peace

2013-09-27 17.36.47

I wanted to put this out before it moved from the front of my thinking. A few of us have been very concerned about the increase in violent activity in our city (here is a different recent post about this). The question I have been grappling with is what is the church’s response to such issues. To be honest, the complexity of urban violence is beyond me. What can be done? What can I do? I am not sure. Liv Larson Andrews

One thing we (Eric Blauer and Liv Larson Andrews) arrived at was we did not want to become desensitized to how these brutal acts fractured shalom. I believe many Americans are becoming fatigued by the constant cascade
of news of this kind; that they are in a way de-selecting it for their possible choices of issues to be concerned about. read more

Hatred or Love, Vengeance or Mercy

Screen Shot 2013-08-23 at 9.06.54 AM

I awoke this morning
to two very different bits of news. read more