An Irishman Speaks about Americans
A Fine Day in Dublin
I had a wonderful time in Dublin today. Kevin Johnson
and myself were on our feet most of the day going from one place to another. I am quite exhausted, but thrilled by
the experience. Here’s where we
went and what we did.
Temple Bar District – Dublin
This is where I was last night about mid-night. A very raw area at that time of night. (Kevin Johnson and I) – Pub after Pub after Pub. 1000’s of 20 year olds, pulsating music (both live and disco), seriously jammed packed pubs, a few prostitutes, a whole lot of clutching and the “I have have had way too much to drink projectile pools” every now and then. I probably don’t need to say that KJ and I were just a little out of place as the sole 50 year olds in the pack. 🙂