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Prayer – Learning to listen…to God

Warm listening

 “Confronted with the mystery of God, the creature must be silent; not merely for the sake of being silent, but for the sake of hearing. Only to the extent that it attains to silence, can it attain to hearing. But, again, it must be silent not merely for the sake of hearing, but for that of obeying. For obedience is the purpose and goal of hearing. Our return to obedience is indeed the aim of free grace. It is for this that it makes us free. It is for this that it confronts us as mystery” – Karl Barth (Church Dogmatics II/2: The Doctrine of God. Edited b G.W. Bromiley and T.F. Torrance. Translated by T.H.L. Parker read more

Answered Prayer Among us…


 Lately there have been some pretty amazing answers to prayer among us at Jacob’s Well and I wanted to celebrate these manifestations of answered prayer and labor. The Bible is honest about the challenges we face in serving people and living out a prayerful life…we often…want to give up.  read more

You are Peace (written in Frankfurt airport)

Sad girl among tourists on Eiffel Tower

 In the waves of motion, and chaos there is your peace, read more

Am I Called?


How do I know if I am
called…called to go?
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God, Justice