imagining how the church can reorient around mission

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On Being a Heretic – Brian McLaren

A Thin Place – Mission from South America

Living Into Movement – Pt 2 – Being a Missional Community

Christ Church fall 05 500-1

 Before I say anything about movement, let me just say that
the weather in Germany is abysmal. It has rained every day that I’ve been here,
and the forecast is grim. The last days of my summer may be spent under gray
skies and wearing jackets. For someone who’s a “fair-weather player” that is
not good news. Nonetheless, I’m making the best of it and am meeting some
wonderful new friends. The Christian Associates world is a fantastic one, and
I’m glad to be a part of. read more

Tall Skinny Kiwi: One of my talks at Global Connect


Such a great week with Christian Associates at their Global Connect gathering. I cant believe they put up with me speaking so many times. What incredible perseverance! Rogier Bos of Next Wave fame was on hand to take some photos like this one.Here’s part of my Monday evening talk. The other part included a Bible reading with a Sigur Ros video. read more

Andrew Jones at CA’s Connect

Following the Missional Jesus

"If the Church is to be missional rather than institutional, we must begin with a clear understanding of what that mission is….Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, the Lord of the Church. Christ cast the only ballot that counts. Since Jesus Christ is the owner of his Church and thus all of its local expressions, we do not get to dream up the mission for our congregation."
Winning on Purpose by John Edmund Kaiser

Living Into Movement – Pt 1


As I said a few posts ago, I will be talking about the idea
of “Movement” over the next few weeks. I’m speaking about this topic at our
CONNECT conference in Germany. read more