imagining how the church can reorient around mission

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INFUSE Missional Training Event – Training Trainers

Missional Shifts in the European Church – Martin Robinson

The Church as its True Self – Alan Hirsch


“When the church is in mission, it is the true church. The church itself is not only a product of

  that mission but is obligated and destined to extend it by whatever means possible. The mission of God flows directly through every believer and every community of faith that adheres to Jesus. To obstruct this is to block God’s purposes in and through his people.” read more

Promo for Infuse Training – Raising Up Missional Pioneers


A promo for the INFUSE training the Dan Steigerwald and I are doing in Spokane.  Give it a watch!  You can sign up at Ecclesia Spokane read more

The Essence of Missional

"Missional means actually doing mission right where you are. Missional means adopting the posture of a missionary, learning and adapting to the culture around you while remaining biblically sound."

Planting Missional Churches by Ed Stetzer

The Preaching Event – Finally Comes the Poet


 I am reading a book right now entitled, Finally Comes the Poet, by
Walter Brueggemann. It’s not a new book. It was actually written in 1989, but
so far it has truly captured me. Brueggemann writes with such elegance and
fluidity that it seems like I can’t read enough of his stuff.  The book is about the daring and
important work of preaching the word of God. read more

Reflections of a Middle Man – Being Missional without Giving up on the Church


These are some reflections of a middle man.  I have as many friends now who would consider themselves outside of the church as in – or outside of the Christian world view in a sense.  It is strictly 50/50.  So, I can understand and in a sense, advocate for two sets of people.

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Commissioning Service for Church Planting at New Community


Here is a talk I gave yesterday at New Community.  We were commissioning Ryan Miller and David Von for 

 church planting.  Ryan is starting Branches and David is starting Emmaus.  It is such a joy to be able to watch a dream happening before my very eyes.   read more

Missional Marketing


Missional Smishional, Moosinal Smooshinal

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A Message for Western Christians


Here is another awesome quote from Francis Chan… read more