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Revelation and the Violent “Prize Fighting” Jesus


“In an interview several years ago for Relevant Magazine, Mark Driscoll (well known pastor
of Mars Hill in Seattle) said, read more

More on Multi-Site – Driscoll, McDonald and Dever

Ok, I am going to limit my comments to only two:

1) I honestly had a hard time listening to this entire conversation.  One person used the word "vacuous" in describing this interview.  Maybe too kind.  Ok, for me, there was something quite odd about McDonald in this dialogue.  I was certain that Driscoll would be the one I was most put off by on this topic…surprise.  BTW – At the beginning, why did Driscoll keep interrupting Dever, when Dever was simply giving a common lexical definition of "ecclesia."  Seriously? read more

“The Shack” author asks Mark Driscoll to “Man Up”