imagining how the church can reorient around mission

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INFUSE Missional Training Event – Training Trainers


I head out to Los Angeles tomorrow to join up with Dan Steigerwald and several others in a “Train the Trainer” event. It is another piece of our effort to push out the INFUSE MIssional Training that we have put together. There will be
potential trainers from Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, and Spokane.  This
curriculum is being facilitated in partnership with FORGE America.  It
should be a great time of learning how to raise at missional pioneers in our
  The next INFUSE (take a look at the outline) training will begin in Spokane, WA next week. If you’re from that area please consider joining us in this fantastic training opportunity.  You can sign up at Ecclesia Spokane.

Hospitality as Resistance (a re-post)

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 One person has stated that hospitality is resistance.  In a world that caters to the rich, uber gifted and best looking, true Biblical hospitality is a prophetic voice.  When the larger empire disregards and dishonors certain persons, small acts of respect and welcome are powerful gestures of a greater Kingdom!  The apostle Paul commanded the Christian as part of what it means to “offer our bodies a living sacrifice…” to “…practice hospitality.”  This is not an option.  That really is what is amazingly attractive about Jesus for me.  He was not a respecter of persons.  I find myself in this dual processing battle daily on how to mete out my “precious” time, but Jesus seemed to sashay through the daily with an ease and acceptance of the moment…that each person he met held the same value and importance as the next and he stopped and ate.  He broke bread and drank (Luke 5:30) with people who probably could or would never repay him.  Counter-culturalism at its finest.

Luke 14:12-14 (The Message) – Then he turned to the host. "The next time you put on a dinner, don't just invite your friends and family and rich neighbors, the kind of people who will return the favor. Invite some people who never get invited out, the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You'll be—and experience—a blessing. They won't be able to return the favor, but the favor will be returned—oh, how it will be returned!—at the resurrection of God's people."

A Missional Ecclesiology [In Brief]

My Photo

In an attempt to describe a missional ecclesiology in brief, I am reminded of one of the most

  influential theologians of the last century, Karl Barth.  He reintroduced the classic doctrine of missio Dei, this idea in scripture where you have God the Father sending the Son, and God the Father and the Son sending the Spirit, and then the Father, Son and Spirit sending the church into the world for the sake of the world.

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Me and Clive


Here I am in Belfast at the C.S. Lewis library.  Lewis has long been one of my hero's and Belfast was his birth place.