pay it forward | immanuel church | 4.19.20
Here is a talk I gave regarding the topic of generosity and how we might utilize our stimulus checks to bless vulnerable people during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
I wish this idea would become viral. #givethecheck #payitforward
Hospitality = Mission
By Caitlin
I heard a a sermon back in October about hospitality. I had always thought previously that sermons on hospitality were aimed primarily at people like my parents, who have a house and can make space to let people stay the night and have a meal or two. It wasn’t until I heard this particular sermon that I realized how much broader the definition of hospitality is, and that in order to truly live it out, a change had to happen in my heart.
In different phases of my life thus far, God has asked me to sacrifice something to Him in order that He may teach me to depend completely on Him as provider. I never had a problem giving away my time until high school, when I became involved in ministry, and I was faced with the choice of which activities I would devote my time to. I reluctantly chose to do things that would glorify God more, and His blessings overwhelmed me through it. My first year of college, the issue was money. I tried to do things my own way, to become self-sufficient so I wouldn’t have to keep asking my parents for more money, but in the end, God asked me to give it up to Him. He taught me humility and thankfulness through it, and still provided for all of my financial needs. Right now, the focus is rest. I only have so much energy, and God is teaching me that He will provide the energy I need through resting.
In order to be hospitable, I must give any or all of these things to God in order to live out His mission. It can be as simple as bringing someone coffee when they’re studying for a big test. And in order to be on His mission, I must keep in mind that everyone I come in contact with has the potential to be a glorious creature in the Kingdom. As C.S. Lewis puts it in The Weight of Glory, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal… But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit– immortal horrors or everlasting splendors.” I am convinced that with this perspective, I can learn to be more hospitable with my time, money, and energy. In doing so, I may participate in the Kingdom which is now and is yet to come.