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Missional Church in Europe

Missional Church Planting in Europe

Europe map - map of Europe - satellite image, night lights over Europe, by woodleywonderworks

“Tell the students to give up their small ambitions and come eastward to preach the gospel of Christ.” — Francis Xavier, missionary to India, the Philippines, and Japan read more

Islamic Tension in Europe – One Case in Point


I knew I stood in the wrong line almost
immediately.  There were several
Irish couples (fifty-ish) and in front of them a young Muslim family of five.  The wife wore a “hijab” with full-face cover and I was wondering if
she was going to get through without disclosing who she was.  I wasn’t the only one.  As she went forward (with her family)
literally every one of the Irish folk careened their necks to see what would
happen.  Well, after a lengthy
wait, with lots of hand motions and consternation, she turned discretely toward
the customs-officer and revealed her face. read more