Discernment and my Broken Soul
While enjoying a wonderful break with my family in Seaside, Oregon, I was able to carve out enough time to read Henri Nouwen's perceptive book entitled, Discernment. In the book, he makes several statements regarding how he spent much of his life craving affirmation, attention and acceptance of others.
Through the Lens of People
I see the world through the lens of people.
Marks of a Missional Community of Faith (Church)
does it mean to be a missional community of faith? There is much talk about what that is, what it looks like
and how it works. Newbigin (one of
the true forerunners of the current movement) identifies six characteristics of
a missional community:
- It practices corporate praise, thanksgiving, gratitude,
and grace; - It declares truth that challenges the reigning
plausibility structure - It establishes relationships within a local
neighborhood - It encourages mutual service in the priesthood
of all believers - It expects mutual responsibility rather than
individualism - It nurtures hope and a re-imagined vision of
the future
love these.