imagining how the church can reorient around mission

I promise that I’ll stop dropping these Nouwen excerpts in here, but I have been so moved by this string of his thoughts about the church that I have not been able to stop myself. I have posted two other: Here and Here.  I hope you are both as encouraged and challenged as I have been.

“When we claim our own poverty and connect our poverty with the poverty of our brothers and sisters, we become the Church of the poor, which is the Church of Jesus.  Solidarity is essential for the Church of the poor .  Both pain and joy must be shared.  As one body we will experience deeply one another’s agonies as well as one another’s ecstasies.  As Paul says:  “If one part is hurt, all the parts share its pain.  And if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy” (1 Corinthians 12:26).

Often we might prefer not to be part of the body because it makes us feel the pain of others so intensely.  Every time we love others deeply we feel their pain deeply.  However, joy is hidden in the pain.  When we share the pain we also will share the joy.”

Do you resonant with his vision of the church?
