imagining how the church can reorient around mission

It is the 4th of July. In many ways, at this moment, I grieve about what I see happening in and to the U.S. I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic, but I’m genuinely worried about its future.

I find it unnerving that the recent Supreme Court ruling about Presidential Immunity falls so close to the day we celebrate our shared freedom. Regardless of who is president now or the potential of a convicted felon returning to the office, I do not believe the role entitles anyone, anyone to be above the law. IMHO, it is a setup for some very bad stuff to transpire. What is the line? “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” If you call me a cynic, you would not be wrong, but anyone occupying the most “powerful” job in the world makes me at least a bit nervous, but even more so when we essentially are telling whoever that person might be that there are some illegal actions that can be done with impunity. WHAT??? Even typing that feels like an electric shock just went through my body. It is dreadful how badly that insults my sensibilities. This is abhorrent and could very well contribute to the very collapse of our land. Again, does that sound overly dramatic? Perhaps, but I am 66 in a few days and I am not new to this game. It may be slow and incremental, but anyone who is not concerned is not paying very close attention.

“The only stable state is the one in which all men (people) are equal before the law.” Aristotle