imagining how the church can reorient around mission

Robi and I went to a movie a few nights ago entitled “Get Low.”
It’s a bit of an Indie film starring Robert Duval. 

The story revolves around the character Duval plays who
happens to be a recluse. What he wants is a funeral, but not your normal
funeral.  He want to have one before
he dies. Something that many of us might want…to be spotlighted before we
stop breathing.  The problem,
however, is he can’t find anybody to talk at the funeral–at least positively.  He has been a crotchety old geezer for
too long…or so it seems.

Without giving away the powerful center of the movie, let me
say that there are incredibly powerful themes about shame, guilt and
restitution and finally forgiveness. When the movie ended Robi and I sat in utter
silence because we were so moved. It is definitely worth watching and has astonishingly redemptive accents.

Go check it out!


4 Responses

  1. len says:

    A great story, there have been some good ones this summer. The acting was particularly good.

  2. Parker says:

    Nicely written review. I love Duval. I love Murray. I just don’t go to that many movies anymore. This may get me into a theater.
    I love the theme. Many of my friends are already talking about how they want their funeral to go down, so to speak.
    Why not throw the party why we are still here?

  3. Rob says:

    Coming from a famous Ford commercial musician, that carries a great deal of gravitas. I may have to watch it again too. 🙂
    BTW – you are my favorite daughter!!!

  4. karli says:

    sooo good! i want to see it again already.