imagining how the church can reorient around mission

My Dublin friend, Patrick Mitchel, recently traveled from Washington to California in a car with
  his family — a Road Trip — and when he got back deposited a fun set of observations about “We the People.”


I found this blog on the Jesus Creed (Scot McKnight) site and since I just visited Ireland (see my post from there)(and this one)(and this one) , I thought I would repost it here.

I found the observations about America posted quite interesting,
coming from an Irish perspective. I particularly liked the comments about the “straight teeth.” Americans do have a preoccupation with trying to look perfect (particularly if
you can afford it).  He does have a limited perspective though, only visiting the West Coast. Also, some of the
comments seem like they’re specifically born out of his trip to Southern
California. If you are from the United States you know that a trip through the
South or Northeast or the Midwest would render completely different observations and attitudes.
It really is a huge land we live in.

Also, the comment about news in the US is spot on, from my perspective. From Keith Olbermann to Glenn Beck it is hard to even imagine an unbiased report. In fact, I have a theory that Keith and Glenn are actually the same person… just working a different shtick for different networks…or at least they are evil twins separated at birth. Ok, enough on that one.

Would any of you like to add to his list? What are the
things that come to your mind when describing United States or Americans? I would be
very interested to hear from you.