imagining how the church can reorient around mission

You are worthy of worship,

Praise2  glory and honor and praise…knees bending.


But I cannot…

     draw forth or marshal enough

     focus to pay attention to the narrative


     generate even small bits of emotion,

     to sing or dance or clap my hands


I feel dry and lifeless

At times, even wondering if this whole act is to the sky


But you…

     You break through the opposition of my inert life

     You call forth the rocks to croon out love songs and

     You will draw the nations to fall down on their knees…even
if I will not choose to bow.



3 Responses

  1. Matt Daniels says:

    Rob, just ended up here, and entered in. yes.

  2. Rob says:

    Thanks so much Troy. From a praying person like you, that means something. See ya in a few weeks.

  3. Troy Cady says:

    nice. very nice. I enjoyed reading this, Rob. Thanks.